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eSafety News

Keeping up with online communications and technology is a challenge for the best of us. We received regular eSafety newsletters and we will publish these on this page as they are released.

Acceptable Use Agreement

ICT including internet, e mail and mobile technologies have an increasing presence in the classroom.

We expect our children to be safe and responsible when using any form of ICT.

We ask all children and parents to read and sign our acceptable use agreement to confirm their understanding of our e safety rules.

Promoting eSafety at School

Regular e safety guidance is vital as there are constant changes in online communication and technologies and we constantly look for opportunities to promote e safety.

  • We provide opportunities within the school curriculum to teach about e safety.
  • Pupils are introduced to information through ICT lessons and assemblies about how to keep safe when using the internet
  • Pupils are aware of the impact of cyberbullying and know how to seek help if they are affected by any form of online bullying.

Promoting eSafety in the Home

We also believe it is important for parents to be aware online and technological developments to ensure that they are able to protect their children in the home – where most online interaction takes place.

To this end we will –

  • Seek opportunities to communicate eSafety issues to parents. Items on newsletters, parent advice meetings, literature in school
  • Make eSafety newsletters available via the school website.
  • Seek feedback from parents regarding e safety matters.

Useful Information

eSafety Advice for Parents

Parent Zone

eSafety Newsletters