Absence from School
If your child is not well enough to come to school or will be absent for any other reason, you must notify the school office by 9.30am. You can leave a message on the absence voicemail or email absence@fieldinfants.herts.sch.uk with details of your child’s name, class and the reason for absence.
If your child has vomiting and / or diarrhoea, the school policy is that they should stay off school for 48 hours from the last time they were sick or had diarrhoea.
If your child has a minor illness such as a mild cold / runny nose, they can come to school so long as they are feeling well in themselves.
We would like to remind parents that they are not allowed to park in school or use the car park to turn around in at any time. This is extremely dangerous and puts children at risk.
You may park free of charge in the pay and display bays in Watford Field Road at the following times:
- 8.40am to 9.00am
- 11.25am to 11.40am
- 12.25pm to 12.40pm
- 15.10pm to 15.40pm
You may park in the permit bays in Lammas Road, Tucker Street and Elfrida Road at the following times: 8.40am to 9.00am
3.10pm to 3.20pm
Parking is not allowed in the bays in Neal Street or Roberts Road.
At any other time, parents will have to pay and display, even if it is only for 5 minutes.
These concessions apply to term time only, Monday to Friday. Parking is not permitted on double or single yellow lines or on school zig-zags lines.
Payments to the school should be made via the School Gateway app. If you do send cash or cheque payment these must be sent in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class clearly written on it.
At present we are not able to welcome volunteers to come and help in school.
Please speak to Mrs Selby if you require any further information.
Medication Form
- Medication form (81.02KB)