What we do
The Governing Body of Watford Field School Infant & Nursery are a dedicated team of volunteers. We provide strategic leadership and accountability to the school by: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction Holding the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school and it’s pupils Overseeing the financial performance of the …
Who we are
Name & Position of Responsibility Category of Governor (elected ) Term of Office Declared Interests Link Governor Role Attendance 2023-24 Mrs Nicky Selby Head Teacher Ongoing Head Teacher n/a 8/8 Mrs Emma Staddon (Chair of Governors) Co-opted Governor From 15/02/21 to 14/02/25 None Declared Finance Governor Safeguarding Governor Pay Committee 6/8 Mrs Emma Russell …
Governors’ Biographies
Mrs Selby It is a pleasure and privilege to be the Head teacher of Watford Field School Infant and Nursery. I work in collaboration with the Governing body in all areas of school life. At Governors’ meetings I am held to account – governors play a crucial role as a critical friend to ensure strategic …