Return to Governors

What we do

The Governing Body of Watford Field School Infant & Nursery are a dedicated team of volunteers.  We provide strategic leadership and accountability to the school by:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school and it’s pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure it’s money is well spent

Governors are not directly involved in the day-to-day management of the school as this is delegated to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team who report back to the Full Governing Body twice a term.  Governors use this information to support them in strategic decision making.

The school’s Governing Body consists of 13 members: 4 Parent Governors, (elected by Watford Field School (Infant & Nursery) parents), 1 Local Authority Governor (appointed by Hertfordshire County Council), 1 Staff Governor (elected by the staff at Watford Field School (Infant & Nursery) 1 Headteacher and 6 Co-Opted Governors (appointed by the school’s Governing Body).  Each Governor has a range of skills and experiences which are utilised in supporting the school.

The full Governing Body meet three times each term to review the school’s performance in particular pupils’ progress and attainment as well as smaller working parties.  Governors also take on specific linked roles which involve meeting with lead members of staff to review impact against key priorities and statutory duties.  In addition to this Governors also attend school events throughout the year and celebrate the life of the school.

Governor Impact Statement

At Watford Field School Infant and Nursery, the Headteacher and the Governing Board work closely to deliver our unified shared ethos of Being Kind, Confident Minds, Ready for Lifelong Learning.

The role of the Governing Body is an integral part of the leadership of the school, although often unseen by parents and other community stakeholders. We are here to oversee the school providing the best for your child by supporting the Headteacher, staff, pupils and parents. Through the school’s vision we aim to ensure that all children have every opportunity to be successful learners who achieve and aspire to do their best. As a school we have high ambitions to reach this potential, and value each child as an individual and encourage them to develop lifelong skills and qualities. This Impact Statement enables the Governing Body to be transparent in their role in the school, its leadership and the impact that they have had on school improvement.

The Governing Body of Watford Field School Infant and Nursery is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers who invest a large amount of good will, hard work and time for the sole purpose of improving education of every child in our school. The 13 members include parents, teachers, a Local Authority recommended governor and Co-opted governors who are elected from the local community by the full Governing Body. The Governors come from a variety of backgrounds, and bring different skills, experience and expertise, but are united in their commitment to doing everything possible to ensure the wellbeing, progress and achievement of our children. An annual skills audit is undertaken to ensure the skills of the Governors are used effectively and to plan for relevant and required training to keep up to date with the responsibilities.

As Governors we are accountable for the performance of our school; we are measured by three core strategic functions: • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is spent well

Set out below is a summary of several activities the Governing Body carried out over the school year 2023-2024:

  • Collaborated with all stakeholders to embed and implement our new school vision and set of aims
  • Worked with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to develop and monitor the School Improvement Plan, including scheduled visits into school across the year to see first-hand what happens in school and to monitor the impact of the School Improvement Plan priorities and approved policies.
  • Regularly reviewed progress and attainment data (across Key stages, classes, pupil premium, those receiving Free School Meals, category of need and gender) within the school and in partnership with the leadership team. Through scrutiny and benchmarking of the data we help ensure all pupils have every opportunity to improve their outcomes.
  • Strategically planned a balanced school budget for the 2023/24 financial year, monitoring this throughout the year. This year the major spending decisions that the Governing Body approved was to purchase furniture/resources for Reception, LED Lighting and Nursery Outdoor Area.
  • Continue to improve the rigorous safeguarding and wellbeing provision within the school. This has included agreement to continue funding activities which support whole-person development such as Relax Kids, Drama Therapist and Sports coaches.
  • Monitor and assure health and safety of the building and all persons on site.
  • Developed the skills of the Governing Body through attending various training sessions and successfully recruiting new Governors to fill skill gaps.
  • Continued to improve standards in reading, writing and maths and narrowing the gap for disadvantaged pupils.
  • Involvement in the recruitment of new staff for the school to maintain the excellent provision for learning across the school. We also hold the Headteacher to account and monitor their performance annually.
  • Following the school’s good Ofsted inspection in March 2022, the Governing Body continue to support the school and staff in striving to be an outstanding school.


The Schools 2024-25 Key Priorities are:

Key Priority 1:    Embed an ambitious and consistent learning culture within EYFS.

Key Priority 2:   Transform the learning culture ensuring SEND and disadvantaged children thrive.

Key Priority 3:   Enhance the curriculum through subject leaders applying planning and monitoring systems.

Actions and the impact against these will be reported on in September 2025.